Rome, 12-13 November 2015

Faculty of Architecture, Sapienza University of Rome
Via Antonio Gramsci, 53

  • Prof. Ing. Giorgio Monti – Chairman
    Sapienza University of Rome – Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering – Faculty of Architecture
  • Prof. Ing. Gianfranco Valente – Chairman
    University of L’Aquila – Department of Civil, Architecture and Environmental Engineering – Faculty of Engineering

Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Roma

CALL FOR PAPERS : Authors wishing to present a paper will submit a one-page abstract with title, names of authors, affiliation and keywords to and within 15 October 2015

The first Authors will:

  1. a) sign the “Authorization to Personal Data Processing and Transfer of Publication Rights” (will be sent by email)
  2. b) give the Committee their PowerPoint presentation on the Workshop day
  3. c) send their final paper as Word and PDF document by 28 February 2016

Please click here for details, online registration fees and proceedings

ORGANIZING SECRETARIAT: Aitef Eventi & Comunicazioni / 065925059

Click here to download the official Diss_15 flyer